Rabu, 19 November 2014

Reaching The virtue Month of Ramadlan

Khamsun Ramadlan :: Reaching The virtue Month of Ramadlan
Sebelumnya saya sudah menulis artikel dengan judul "Meraih Keutamaan Bulan Ramadlan" dan tulisan saya ini adalah hasil translate saja dari artikel "Meraih Keutamaan Bulan Ramadlan".
Oke kita lanjutkan artikel Reaching The virtue Month of Ramadlan

Reaching The virtue Month of Ramadlan - Month of Ramadlan dubbed as sayyidusy syuhur (prince months). So named because the Month of Ramadlan has a variety of its own virtues that are not owned by the other months. Among its virtues, namely:

First, a syahrul Quran Ramadlan (the month of the Quran). The revelation of the Quran in Ramadlan be a true testament to glory and virtue of the month of Ramadlan. Allah says: "Month of Ramadlan is the (month) in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and the explanations of the instructions and a differentiator (between the right and falsehood)." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 185). In another verse Allah says: "Verily, We have it down (Al-Qur'an) on the night of Qadr" (QS. Al-Qadr: 1). And many other verses that explain that the Koran was revealed in the month of Ramadlan.

That is why the month of Ramadlan dubbed with the name syahrul Quran (Koran month). In each month of Ramadlan is also the Prophet always bertadarus (interact) with Al-Quran with Gabriel as, as mentioned in the narration of Ibn Abbas (HR. Bukhari). Thus, in the month of Ramadlan we encouraged to reproduce interact with the Koran, with how to read, understand and mentadabburi meaning, memorize and learn, and practice it.

Secondly, the month of Ramadlan is Syahrun mubarak (months blessing), as the word of the Prophet, "It has come to you a blessed month. In this month of fasting obliged to you .. ". (HR. Ahmad, An-Nasa'i and Al-Bayhaqi). Every worship performed in the month of Ramadlan, Allah will double the reward. Messenger of Allah said: "Every deed done by children of Adam are for him, and the kindness was rewarded tenfold even up to seven hundred times. Allah says: Except for fasting, it is for Me and I were immediately responded. For that he had left lust, eating and drinking because of me "(HR. Muslim).

Prophet never giving the sermon in front of his companions, "O people, you have come to the full moon and a great blessing. In it there is a night that value (worship) in it is better than a thousand months. Allah has made fasting during the day as a liability, and turn on the evening as the sunnah act. Who is closer (to Allah) with a good (in that month), as if he was doing the deed required in other months. Who is doing the action required at other times, he seems to do seventy goodness in the other. "(HR. Bayhaqi)

Not only blessing reap the reward, but many other blessings. From the economic aspect, Ramadlan gives blessing economy for traders and others. For the poor, Ramadlan brings its own blessing. In this month of a Muslim are encouraged to berinfaq and charity towards them. Even obliged to pay tithes to them.

Third, in the month of Ramadlan the doors of heaven open and the closed doors of hell and syaithan-syaithan tied. Thus, Allah has given to His servants the opportunity to go to heaven with prayer and good deeds they had done in the month of Ramadlan. Syaithanpun not given the opportunity to tempt and mislead people. Messenger of Allah said, "When you enter the month of Ramadlan, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and syaithan-syaithan were shackled." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). So this month we are encouraged to multiply on alternate worship and good deeds, so that we can go to heaven.

Fourth, the month of Ramadlan is a means for a Muslim to do good and avoid sin. Messenger of Allah said, "If the first night of the month of Ramadlan arrives, then syaithan-syaithan and genies Ifrit chained, the gates of Hell are closed so that none of it is open, and the gates of Paradise are opened, so that none of the doors are closed. Then there is an (angel) callers who call out: "O my goodness seekers, rejoice! O seeker of evil, resist! ". (HR. At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Khuzaymah).

The evildoers feel narrowed the space for the sinner in the month of Ramadlan. Because, in the month of Ramadlan they should restrain his lust. Places of vice, entertainments and facilities indulgence in lust closed immoral closed. Moreover, the syaithan who became the teacher of evildoers has been chained up in the month of Ramadlan. Similarly, the human desire to plunge into hell too restrained with fasting, because fasting it is retaining lust and immorality as the words of the Prophet: "Fasting was Junnah (retaining lust and immorality)" (HR. Ahmad, Muslim and al-Nasa'i )

However, if the immoral acts still occur in the month of Ramadlan, then the cause is threefold: First, the evildoers in this month are students and cadre syaithan. They have been trained for the sinner so that it becomes a habit. They are the madrasa graduates who have been trained syaithan to commit adultery by "teachers or preachers" they (syaithan). Second, fasting is done by evildoers it is not true (not in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet) that is not acceptable. When he fasted correctly, then it must stop his fast from sin. Third, lust has mastered and hostage himself. Fasting in fact not only refrain from eating, drinking and other things that can break the fast, but also refrain from lust and immorality in the form of words or actions that are forbidden. As a result fast is not worth the value of nothing and did not have a positive impact on behavior. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the month of Ramadlan there are people who "constancy" sinner.

Fifth, the month of Ramadlan Maghfirah (forgiveness). Allah provides facilities remission of Ramadlan as long as we avoid major sins. The Holy Prophet said: "Prayer five times a day, Friday to Friday and Ramadlan to Ramadlan wash away the sins of those times for major sins shunned". (HR. Muslim). Through a variety of activities in the month of Ramadlan worship Allah abolish our sins. Among these is the fast of Ramadlan, as the words of the Prophet: "Whoever fasts Ramadlan because the full faith and expecting reward from Allah, then his sins forgiven the past". (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). Similarly, the night prayers (tarawih, Witr and tahajuj) in the month of Ramadlan can erase past sins, as the Prophet said: "Whoever fasts that do Qiyam Ramadlan (night prayer) with the full faith and expecting reward from Allah, undoubtedly be forgiven his sins are past. "(HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Sixth, Ramadlan month itqun Minan nar (exemption from the Fire of Hell). Every night in the month of Ramadlan Allah freed slaves desired from the fire of hell. Messenger of Allah said, "And God frees people from the Fire on every night." (HR. At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Khuzaymah).

Seventh, in the month of Ramadlan there is Laylat al Qadr that the value of kindness to him better than a thousand months. Allah says: "And you know Tatyana Qadar it? Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. "(Al-Qadr: 2-3). The Apostle of Allah said: "In the month of Ramadlan there is a night better than a thousand months, he who prevented his kindness to him, then he's Lost" (Ahmad, An-Nasa'i and Bayhaqi). So we are very encouraged to find this Qadr Tatyana i'tikaf, especially in the last ten days of Ramadlan, following the Prophet deed. A'ishah said: "If you have come in the last ten days (of the month of Ramadlan), the Prophet turned his night time, wake his family to worship, and to tighten our belts." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim). In another narration: "The Prophet is very keen to worship in the last ten days (the month of Ramadlan) exceeds his worship on other days." (HR.Muslim)

Given the various virtues of Ramadlan mentioned above, it is a pity when Ramadlan came and went leaving us just like that, without any effort from us to achieve maximum by performing a variety of worship and good deeds. Unfortunately, when the days of Ramadlan is supposed to be filled with emphasis on worship replaced with event immoral, na'uzubillahi min zaalik ..! Prophet has given a warning by his saying: "Gabriel has come to me and said:" O Muhammad, Who encounter fasting month of Ramadlan, but after this month runs out and do not get forgiveness, then he go to Hell. May Allah keep him away. Say Amen! I also say Amen !. (HR. Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh). In another narration, the Prophet said, "Woe to those who entered the month of Ramadlan, then Ramadhan passed before he was forgiven." (HR. At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ibn Hibban, and Al-Bayhaqi). Hopefully we can achieve various virtues which are provided in the month of Ramadlan. Amen!

Ramadan Ramadhan or write it wrong, the truth is Ramadlan, please look at: Fakta Dasar Penulisan Ramadlan, Ramadan dan Ramadhan dan di: Cara Menulis Huruf Arab Ke Huruf Indonesia

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Translate Meraih Keutamaan Bulan Ramadlan, Agar Bisa Meraih Keutamaan Bulan Ramadlan, Upaya untuk Meraih Keutamaan Bulan Ramadlan.

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